

Management of Pests and Parasites in Organic Dairies

Practical Resources

  • [PDF - 116 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009

    • Cornell University. 2016
  • [PDF - 232 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009
    • ATTRA. 2008
    • Midwest Organic & Sustainable Eductation Service. 2014
      Please note that this document was prepared in the USA. Please check with your certifying body before using any of the recommended products.
    • eOrganic. 2016

Scientific Results

    • Journal of Helminthology (1999) 73:  115-122
    • Journal of Dairy Science (2014) 97: 4624-4631
    • Organic Eprints. 2012
    • Environmental Entomology (2012) 41: 20-29
    • Veterinary Parasitology (2001) 96: 291-299
    • Veterinary Record (2011) 169: 524