


The DalChem Mass Spectrometry Laboratory has two mass spectrometers:

1. Bruker Compact QTOF Mass Spectrometer

The Bruker Compact QTOF is another bench top orthogonal Time-of-Flight mass spectrometer.  It has dual ion funnel ion focusing lenses in front of quadrupoles and a dual stage reflector TOF system with an m/z range of 20-39000. It is also equipped with ESI, APCI, APPI, Solid probe and Captive spray sources. The sampling rate is up to 50 GS/sec.

The Bruker Compact QTOF system acquires spectra at higher sensitivity, resolution (30,000) and mass accuracy (1 ppm). It not only acquires high resolution spectra for MS full scan, but also generates MS/MS product ion spectra with high resolution and accurate masses. With high mass accuracy, True Isotopic Pattern (TIP) analysis, Bruker’s SmartFormula software limits the number of possible formulae in molecular formula generation for confident determination of elemental composition for a given peak. With high resolution, mass accuracy and Bruker’s deconvolution software, the Compact is ideal for biomolecule analysis.

Samples can be delivered either by an Agilent 1260 HPLC system or a syringe pump. The Compact is also able to couple with other HPLC systems.

This Spectrometer is primarily used for research purpose.

2. Agilent HPLC Mass Spectrometer (Infinity II LC/MSD)

The Agilent LC/MSD is a single quadrupole system that combines the power of mass selective detection with chromatography. It has an Agilent 1260 HPLC system with binary pumps, an auto sampler, a 15 cm C18 column and an UV detector. The single quadrupole mass spectrometer has an ESI source with the mass range of 10-2000. ESI can be operated in both positive and/or negative mode.

The LC/MSD system is only available for trained users within the Chemistry Department.