

2012 ‑ Volume XIV

Edited by Kaitlyn Boulding, Emma Curran, Elizabeth Curry, Brian Lam and Benjamin Manson

Kristan Newell ---- Theseus as Athen's Intentional History

Kaitlyn P. Boulding ---- The Everlasting and Mortal Strength of Men, Cities and Trees in Virgil's Aeneid

Kaitlyn P. Boulding ---- A Prayer for My Pine Tree

Bruce Russell ---- De Fato et Factis Troianorum in Libro Secundo Aeneidos

Brian Lam ---- Ovid, Metamorphoses 10.53-63 (Orpheus and Eurydice): a paraphrase

Emma Curran ---- The Hand as a Symbol of Dionysus' Revenge in Euripides' Bacchae

Max Ma ---- The Saljuq Iqta'

Peter J. Bullerwell ---- Why Phoebus is not Consoling for Boethius

B.W.D. Heystee ---- Prometheus and the Soul in Plato's Protagoras

Simcha Walfish ---- The Shorter Path: Hypothetical Knowledge in Plato's Republic

Aaron Higgins-Brake ---- Oikeion Agathon: City and Soul in Republic II-IV

Stéphane Lirette ---- The Nature of the Soul in Plato's Republic

Jacquelyn Maxwell ---- Defining Courage in Plato's Laches