

Pest Management

Addressing challenges with sustainable tools and production systems

Weeds, insects and diseases are an ongoing challenge for all producers, and consistently rate as a top research priority for organic fruit, vegetable and field crop producers. Alongside improving our understanding of pests and finding ecological solutions, organic producers need technologies to manage pest pressures. The Research Activities in this theme aim to address weeds, insect pests and diseases of organic crops, often using a systems approach. Specifically, they will examine:

  • Innovative weed control tools and management systems for problematic weeds, with a large focus on perennial weeds.
  • Ecological management of major and emerging insect pests of organic fruits.
  • Organic management strategies for a persistent and challenging pest of vegetable producers, the wireworm.
  • Biological and induced resistance tools for management of insect and disease pests in greenhouses, and Fusarium head blight in wheat.
  • Post-harvest management for extending the shelf life of fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

Activity 17: Optimizing tillage and competitive green manures for Canada thistle control

Activity 18: Potential of predatory bugs (Nabis and Orius) as biological control agents of the tarnished plant bug (Lygus lineolaris) in organic strawberry field

Activity 19: Saponins as inducers of host resistance for insect and disease management in organic greenhouse production

Activity 20: Ecological pest management for Spotted Wing Drosophila

Activity 21: Managing wireworms in vegetable crops

Activity 22: Biological control and management of Fusarium head blight and associated diseases in organic grain production