

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Past-President. With the exception of the Past-President, the term of all Executive positions shall be for two years, with alternating terms (President and Vice-President in one year, Secretary and Treasurer in the alternate year); a position may be held for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. The Past-President term shall be one year. 

The Executive is responsible for:

  • directing the activities of the Group suject to the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws and following policies agreed to by the membership;
  • reporting to the Group regularly and as circumstances warrant;
  • having the powers of the Group between meetings, including interim committee appointments;
  • holding in confidence any information relating to employee performance, salaries, complaints, and any other such matters deemed relevant by the Executive, and discussing these matters only in closed sessions with the minutes available only to Executive members. The minutes of closed sessions shall identify the substance of the points raised, without naming the speakers;
  • communication between the Group and senior representatives of the University;
  • appointing new Executive member(s) from amongst the membership if a vacancy should arise between Annual General Meetings;
  • ruling on any questions of conflict of interest and determining the best means to manage any conflict of interest (see Appendix II in Handbook)

The duties for each role are found below.


The duties of the President are to:

  • facilitate communication between University senior administration and DPMG members;
  • call and preside at all meetings of the Group and of the Executive;
  • be a steward of the Constitution, Bylaws and all documents pertaining to the Group, ensuring that the Constitution and Bylaws are kept current through regular review every 5th year (years ending in "0" or"5");
  • supervise the keeping and custody of all records of the Group, other than financial records;
  • keep, or cause to be kept, a register and enter, or cause to be entered therein, the names of the members of the Group, including the full name, occupation and department of every such person;
  • represent the interests of the membership at meetings of the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC).


The duties of the Vice-President are to:

  • have the powers and perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President; or in the event of vacancy in the office of the President;
  • represent the interests of the membership at meetings of the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC);
  • act as liaison with and report to the Executive concerning the standing committees and serve as ex-officio member of each of the standing committees;
  • perform such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President and/or the Executive.


The duties of the Secretary are to:

  • have the powers and perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President and Vice-President;
  • keep, or cause to be kept, minutes of all meetings of the Executive and the Group;
  • perform such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President or the Executive.


The duties of the Treasurer are to:

  • formulate and administer rules and regulations for the collection, banking, appropriation and distribution of the funds of the Group;
  • keep, or cause to be kept, a proper record of the financial operations of the Group;
  • after the close of each fiscal year but prior to the Annual General Meeting, prepare and present to the Executive year end financial statements.

All descriptions were taken from the DPMG Handbook (January 2011).