

Breaking the Box: The Increasing Demands of Non‑Combat Roles on Maritime Forces

Edited by Kenneth P. Hansen

ISBN: 978-1-896440-59-0
$18.00 CDN (plus S&H)

The oceans both connect and divide the land masses of the earth. How a state plans to use the sea to achieve its strategic goals can depend on how it views the oceans and the means it makes available to exploit them. Whether responding to natural disasters, protecting vital interests, or projecting state power, maritime capabilities are frequently the only way to deliver strategically significant effects. These selected papers from the past two Maritime Security Conferences illustrate the importance of maritime capabilities to all states in both normal and extraordinary circumstances. Some authors argue for logistical capacity and less convention naval capability in order to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crises. Others argue for more conventional naval capability in a broader array of warfare areas. With the rigid force employment assumptions of the Cold War long since gone, finding a new and more flexible arrangement is the most difficult problem confronting naval planners in the 21st century.

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