» Go to news mainMove More Month at Dalplex continues
February is Move More Month and Dalplex wants to challenge you to do just that - move your body and be more active this month!
-There is still time to join the Move More Month challenge, regardless of whether you're a Dalplex member! All you need to do is
and get moving! It's that simple. PLUS - the first 150 people to take
the pledge will win a Dalplex 'Move More' t-shirt (winners will be
notified by email at the end of the month).
-We are also still giving away pedometers* to help you track how many steps you're taking in a day! Drop by the Dalplex Customer Service desk to ask for your FREE pedometer* today (limitone per person)!
-Want tochallenge your co-workers to see who takes the most steps in a day/week/month?
We'd be happy to drop off some pedometers* to your office! To request a delivery, please contact
-And finally, don't forget about the Move More Month giveaways we are doing at Dalplex! Every time you come in for a workout this month, ask our Customer Service staff for a ballot for a chance to win great prizes!
Visit for more information.
*while quantities last
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