» Go to news mainMultiFaith Calendar ‑ August 16 ‑ 31
The full Multifaith calendar is available on our website:
August 18
Nowruz is the start of the New Year for Zoroastrians who follow the Shenshai Calendar, and the beginning of the year 1387 AY (After Yazdegird III, the last of the Zoroastrian kings of Persia).
August 19
Transfiguration celebrates the appearance of Jesus in a transfigured state during his earthly life to three of his disciples.
Paryushana-parva begins - JAINISM
The holiest period of the year for the ascetic Shvetambara sect. This 8 day period, concluding on Samvatsari, is a time of dedication to Jain ideals through fasting, worship of the Jina, and reading the life-story of Lord Mahavira from the Kalpasutra.
August 23
Int’l Day for Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition (UNESCO)
Annually observed on this day to remind people of the tragedy of the transatlantic slave trade. See:
August 25
Ganesh Chaturthi - HINDUISM
Celebrates the birthday of Ganesh, God of Success.
August 31
Day of Ḥajj - ISLAM
This day (also called Day at ‘Arafāt) commemorates the last revelation to the Prophet at Mount ‘Arafāt shortly before his death. Muslims on Ḥajj (pilgrimage) attend a service on the plains in front of Mount ‘Arafāt. (Observance begins at sunset of the previous day, but special worship and prayers begin August 31.)
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