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Notice of Meeting
鶹ý Senate
Monday, March 27, 2017
3:15pm ‐ 5:15pm
Theatre A, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building
Carleton Campus, Halifax
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
2.1 Approval of Draft Minutes of March 13, 2017 Senate Meeting*
2.2 Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Deans Diversity statement for committee nominations*
3. Matters Arising from the March 13, 2017 Senate Meeting Minutes
4. Steps to Make Diversity and Inclusion a Reality: Understanding equity through addressing downstream challenges with gender neutral washrooms
Presenters: BSc Nursing Students - Allison MacFadden, Jennie Hynes and Krista Shanks
Re: Strategic Priority 5.2 Foster a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness
5. Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee:
New Program Proposal: Bachelor of Arts, Law, Justice and Society, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences*
Presenters: Krista Kesselring, Associate Dean, Academic, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
David Black, Director, Department of Political Science
6. Senate Planning and Governance Committee:
6.1 Indigenous Strategy Steering Committee: Universities Canada Principles on Indigenous Education*
Presenters: Keith Taylor and Patti Doyle‐Bedwell, Co-Chairs, Indigenous Strategy Steering Committee
6.2 Draft US Public Health Service Research Misconduct Policy*
Presenter: Mark Filiaggi, Associate Vice President, Research
6.3 Draft Policy on Policies*
Presenters: Karen Crombie, General Counsel
Susan Brousseau, University Secretary
7. 200th Anniversary Update
Presenters: Catherine Bagnell Styles, Assistant Vice-President Communications & Marketing
Chris Moore, Faculty of Science
June Davidson, Project Manager, Communications & Marketing
8. Reports:
8.1 Chair of Senate’s Report
8.2 Provost’s Report
8.3 Questions for Reports
9. Question Period
10. Other Business
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