» Go to news mainStudent Ratings of Instruction
The Student Ratings of Instruction (SRI), commonly known as the course evaluations, which students complete for each course in which they are registered, has several new features for students.
1. You can now access most of your course evaluations through BbLearn: log onto the OWL site using your Dal netid and password, and look for the SRI window. If any of your course(s) are not contained on BbLearn you should receive an email in the last two weeks of classes for you to complete your evaluations through Dal's alternate electronic system.
2. It is now possible for you to review the results of the course evaluations through the BbLearn site. Reviewing the results of the course evaluations may help you choose courses and you can see how your feedback can be used. This procedure is called "opt-in" because instructors provide permission by opting in to the process for their SRI results to be publicized for students.
Please note the following time period:
November 18th through December 3rd - students complete their SRI forms
For more information visit or contact Bruno Roy, Technical Administrator, Student Ratings of Instruction
Tel: (902) 494-2706 | Email:
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