Funding, News and Announcements
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Are you interested in getting an “inside look” at how research grants are reviewed to help structure your own grant proposals? Then check out Arthritis Society Canada’s Junior Investigator Grant Mentoring Opportunity.
This opportunity will support early career investigators in arthritis research in the areas of grantsmanship and peer-review processes. Successful applicants from across Canada will gain first-hand experience and develop a deeper understanding of Arthritis Society Canada’s gold standard peer-review process through the opportunity to participate as observers in one of the virtual panel meetings.
Eligible applicants include investigators in arthritis research, at eligible Canadian institutions, who are at the end of their postdoctoral fellowship training or are within the first few years of their academic appointment. Priority will be given to those who have yet to be awarded a grant from a Canadian granting agency.
Please note that Arthritis Society Canada holds various operating grant and capacity development competitions over the course of the year. Panel placement will be determined based on applicant preference, panel size, and the conflict-of-interest guidelines.
Applications for these limited spots will be accepted via the on our website and will require department or institution head approval prior to submission.
The deadline to apply is Friday, June 23, 2023.
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