Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainParkinson Canada Research Program
Parkinson Canada is pleased to announce the competition of our 2018- 2020 Research Program Funding Cycle
Important notice to applicants: The new Parkinson Canada online application submission system will help you manage the application process. Returning and new applicants must register and create a user name and password prior to beginning the online application process.
You will be redirected to the Parkinson Canada online application system at
Current Funding Opportunities
- Pilot Project Grants
Includes Targeted Competition: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) 1 Pilot Project Grant - New Investigator Award Program
- Basic Research Fellowship
- Clinical Movement Disorders Fellowship
- Clinical Research Fellowship
- Graduate Studentship Award
Note: The Graduate Student Award for the master’s level is not available.
Application deadline: Thursday February 1, 2018 at  5:00 p.m. EDT
Parkinson Canada
Tel: 416-227-3382 or 1 800 565-3000, ext. 3382
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